Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Unfortunately, we did not excape the rain.  The pasture  was flooded. THer are now three new ponds in the pasture. My poor sheep. They looked so pathetic huddled on a patch of dry ground. Was going to move them to their quarters under the barn, but that had one foot of water. There was also one flock of 100 hens on the pasture. They were swimming in a foot of water. Had to pull the hoop coop to  higher ground.. That was real fun in the mud. Everyone survived, but we all need to dry out.


  1. The sheep look sad standing there. :(

    I hope the pasture dries up soon. I'm glad to hear all the chickens are safe too.

  2. Shetland sheep are hardy creatures, but watch for foot rot.

  3. Why, why oh why did I do this
    All these little ones to be fed, housed and cared for
    Looking to me to protect them, maybe even to love them?
    Whatever came into my mind?
    Whatever crept into my subconscious…?
    Whatever made me think I could do this?
    This job of being a farmer
    The sheep, three dogs, the ram, free roaming chickens,two mules Molly and Sally,and Henry the goat
    But I love these creatures of God
    It saddens me to see my lonely white duck waddling
    His doggie best friend having passed away
    A tender young teenage ram
    Where no critter will befriend him
    Should I bring him into my house so he’s not so alone?
    How will I ever make this work?
    Where will the money come from?
    Is this not a younger man’s dream
    And was it an older man’s foolishness to have dreamt this dream?
    Ah…so much for second guessing
    I will till this soil, plant my seeds, water my crops
    And here love will grow
    This farm that feeds my soul
    (p. thibodeau-baker)
